A Beautiful Blended Family

She knew exactly where she wanted her family session right from the beginning…Downtown Clarkston. It's perfect because it's her town. It's down the street from the elementary school that her school-aged children attend. My children go to the same school. It's my town, too.

 I understand why Lindsey wanted her session here. She wanted the character and beautiful brick and stone buildings. She wanted the cherry colored fishing dock at Mill Pond. Nestled right next to the charming Depot Park, it's really the perfect location for a family or senior session! It has the Clinton River winding through. There's a Gazebo, cute bridges and cuter ducks! And we integrated almost all of it. In fact, we ended up with so many great shots! 

But it wasn't the town or the park that made this session. It's the family. A beautiful blended family.

I was excited when I learned that Lindsey and Aaron were dating. Lindsey used to be our neighbor. I remember her pushing her sweet baby boy around our neighborhood. Then she had another sweet baby. This time a precious little girl that from the very beginning has always been a little extra… in a good way! We eventually moved and so did they. But we still ended up with our kids in the same elementary school. 

She is also a phenomenal hair stylist and color expert. I feel confident enough in her talent and judgment that I tell her to just do whatever my hair needs! Yet, she'll never let me get away with this! A true professional that will ensure that she is giving you exactly what you want! Even if you don't know what it is! 

Aaron and Lindsey have this in common. No, he's not a stylist! But he can turn ugly things beautiful! Haha. Or better yet, I should say that he can build or fix almost anything, except for probably hair! We'll leave that to Lindsey! 

Aaron, interestingly enough, is my husband's cousin, once removed. So his dad and my husband are cousins. Still following me? Anyway I am excited to know a few more faces at family parties. My Father-in-law is one of eleven so there are a lot of faces! 

Neither of us had anything to do with Lindsey and Aaron finding one another, but I am so glad they did! They are perfect together! He is easy going and rolled with everything we asked of him! She is warm, funny, and bright! And they both shine around each other! Their children, too! They are a beautiful blended family and I loved watching the whole family interact!

And spoiler alert...they are making it official! The two got engaged this weekend. And where did he propose? I'll give you one guess!